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The Forth standard website This is the official website of the Forth 2012 Standard, and Forth200x committee.You can browse and discuss the standard words or dig deeper into the standard by downloading or browsing it our workgroup website.

Forth enthusiasts at GitHub Forth repository with: ForthFreak wiki, cmFORTH, OneForth, pygmy-forth, F83, Atlast, etc.




Software projecten in een eenvoudige variant van Forth (Generic Forth). Gespitst op het delen van ideeen, toepassingen, protocolllen, algoritmes, drivers, etc, voor elk Forth systeem. Je vindt het op de Project Forth Works. The latest version can be found on these wiki pages.


Starting Forth by Leo Brodie, updated web edition the Forth code has been ANSified in 2003.

Thinking Forth project "Thinking Forth captures the philosophy of the language to show users how to write more readable, better maintainable applications. This project makes the book available in electronic form (LaTeX and PDF)"

FIG UK Forth Interest Group UK: Yahoo group

Wikibooks Atmel AVR

Hobby Computer Club (HCC).


"Door MPE gesponsorde van eertijds: http : // www . fig - uk . org / " The FIG Forth Users Group U.K. bestaat niet meeren de URL is gehijacked door URL snatchers. "The United Kingdom Forth Interest Group is a chapter of the Forth Interest Group, an international organization devoted to the furtherance of the Forth computer language."

Duitse Forth Homepage.

Russische Forth Homepage.

Taiwanese Forth Homepage.

Marcel Hendrix's home-page over iForth, en MIDI. Algemene Forth informatie voorbeelden en benchmarks.

Albert van der Horst´s pagina over de ciforth familie, de transputer Forth, het Manx program voor de tingeltangel en algemene Forth informatie


"Albert Nijhof's homepage met Forth artikelen in het Duits, Engels en Nederlands. Ook is het de thuisbasis van noForth en PIF."


FORTH Inc. -- Forth software tools and services for 25 years!

Evolution of Forth. A very interesting story about the beginning of Forth and how Charles Moore invented the language.

The Journal of FORTH Application and Research Een grote hoeveelheid aan artikelen is electronisch toegankelijk.

Jack Woehrs Forth Page contains links to free Jaxforth compiler, corrections to his book "ANS Forth the new model".

Jax Woehr BBS

Home of the 4tH compiler.


Philips Koopmans homepage. He wrote a book "Stack computers". Many links to other Forth related pages.

An Introduction to Forth, by J. Kevin McFadden.

Forth Bibliography -- search engine to search online bibliography.

Forth Research at Institut für Computersprachen and related topics, such as stack-based languages (PostScript, JavaVM), threaded-code interpreters, and stack machines.

Bernd Paysan info -- The 4stack Processor, Gforth, bigFORTH+MINOS, Why do I use Forth?, My collection of Forth one-screeners.


MPE ltd. in United Kingdom is Microprocessor Engineering Limited "More real, Less time", een bedrijf dat Forthcompilers verkoopt en Forth gebruikt in embedded toepassingen. "MicroProcessor Engineering specialises in real time and embedded systems. MPE provides tools for the complete development cycle including hardware, software and firmware. These products operate on a large range of embedded targets."

Skip Carters Taygeta software archive has free Forth compilers for many differents platforms.

Een CPU ontwerp klas die gegeven wordt door John Rible, ook een forther. CPU's worden hier ontworpen op zo'n moderne FPGA chip (Field Programmable Gate Array).

Ultra Technology Deze pagina door Jef Fox, een naaste medewerker van Chuck Moore, is zeer uitgebreid, en bevat veel unieke informatie. Na het overlijden van Jef Fox in 2011 wordt de site in stand gehouden.


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